Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The BEST thing that's EVER happened to me! (WARNING: Don't read if you're not a lovey-dovey kind of person)!

Ok, well...lets's start with a few months back. I was just a girl working full-time dating around here and there, but nothing really serious. I dated one guy for a while, and it was obvious that things weren't going anywhere, then I dated another guy and we decided just to be friends, but maybe date here and there just for fun.

So I'm at work one day and I saw something funny on YouTube, so I e-mailed it to my friend Kory down in the Division of Corporations (I used to work across the hall in the Division of Consumer Protection...that's basically how I knew Kory). We didn't really hang out ever, our relationship basically consisted of chatting on IM every once in a blue moon, if I sent him something funny or vise verse.

Long story short...I knew Jason (a co-worker of Kory), then ended up dating another co-worker, R.J., for a while. So I knew Jason first, then met R.J. and Kory and so on and so forth. We used to go outside of the building on our breaks and play hackey sack...which, by the way, is way harder than it looks. Anyway, that's how I met these guys.

It's about mid-July of '08 and I saw something funny online so I sent it to Kory, cuz I knew he would love it. He IMed me and told me he thought it was awesome and we started a conversation from there. We IMed back and forth...ALL DAY. Needless to say there was some flirting going on. We got talking and somewhere in the conversation he told me that he was single, and I was shocked because I knew he was married once, he was married when we played hackey sack, but like I said, we didn't really have much of a relationship other than just IMing once in a while. So that news was a bit shocking....and kind of exciting ;)
We talked, and talked, and decided it would be fun to hang out sometime. So we did.
He came and picked me up at my house, we went to the Gateway Mall, ate some fabulous California Pizza Kitchen Pizza and Pasta, then went to see "Get Smart". We were both really surprised at how well we got along and how much fun we had together. But, we just went with it.
After that we went to his place, he showed me around, and we sat on his couch and talked for like 2 hours, nothing but great conversation. And it was wonderful! I had an amazing time surprisingly. I mean, I always had a crush on Kory, but NEVER thought anything would ever come of it, especially seeing how he seemed like a goody-good and I was really layed back and above all things, I knew he was married, so of course I never bothered with trying to flirt with him.

We had such a great time on our first date that we went on a second date the next day, and a third date the next day, and a fourth date the day after that...It wasn't until THEN did we kiss. And this kiss, wasn't just any first kiss...oh no! We were at my house and it was raining and thundering like crazy outside. It was about 2 in the morning, so we decided to go out into the middle of the street and just stand in the rain! We were laughing at how cool it was that there was a rainstorm, cuz we both love rain. Then we started hugging, and at the same exact moment, we both looked at each other and we KNEW! We knew we were going to kiss. It was, by FAR, the most amazing first kiss EVER...and the fact that our FIRST kiss was in the pouring rain in the middle of the street at 2 a.m. with hardly any cars anywhere! Oh my goodness, I was completely shocked by all of this. Kissing him was the best feeling in the world!

The funny thing about Kory and me, is that neither of us really wanted a serious relationship...in fact, Kory didn't want a girlfriend at all, he told me that from the beginning and I was fine with it...but neither of us were aware of how much chemistry we have together. Kory didn't think I was his type AT ALL, he thought I was...well...let's just say he didn't think of me as Real High Class, and I thought that he was the preppy frat guy who was so into himself and spent an hour in the mirror each day...we both turned out to be completely wrong about one another...which is GREAT!

We've been dating ever since then, and it's been the best few months of my life. He's energetic and fun, he's smart, honest, hard-working, loyal, funny, silly, smooth, romantic, and he's sexy...ok I'm not gonna go into detail...but he is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I still get butterflies when I think of him. And whenever we're not together, all I can think about is how much I miss him and love him.
He's brought so much more meaning into my life and he encourages me to be a better person. He loves me for who I am, he doesn't ever try to change anything. And he's honest with me, and BONUS! He trusts me back.
He's one of the best friends I've ever had and I love him more than you can imagine. He makes it a point to tell me he thinks I'm beautiful and let's me know how much he loves me...and his actions speak even louder.
He listens to me when I'm upset and need to vent and he always has something helpful to say!
I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend...he's everything I've always dreamed of in a Man. And the best part about it...all of it is real. Sometimes it doesn't seem like it, infact, most of the time it's almost like I'm dreaming (cheesy, I know, but it's true). The first time he told me he loved me I was silent for a solid 10 seconds because I thought I heard the words "I love you Michelle." come out of his mouth, but I was shocked and I didn't want to say "I love you too!" if he didn't say it. BUT HE DID!!! It was one of the best feelings I had ever experienced. I will NEVER forget that feeling. And just being with Kory in general is the best feeling ever!
I truly believe the quote "The best thing you will ever learn is to love, and be loved in return." I have found that to be more true than any other statement!

Ok, I apologize to anyone reading this, if they are now sick to their stomache, but I had to get this out of my system and let EVERYONE know how happy Kory makes me! He's my everything!

And to any girl that's in a boring relationship that isn't going anywhere, DON'T EVER SETTLE FOR LESS THAN YOU DESERVE! If I decided to settle, it would have been the WORST decision of my life, in my opinion. I would've never met the love of my life! And no one can make me feel the way he does.

To Kory: If you're reading this, all of it is true. I'm so thankful for you in my life, I sometimes feel I don't deserve you. You're so good to me and you're truly everything I've ever dreamed of. I love you very, very much. You're my everything!



  1. Gosh Meesh! Sounds like a romance novel! Just kidding. Kory is awesome for sure. I hope my girls find someone just like Kory ;D
    "Hold on loosely, but don't let him go"

  2. Awww...thanks! I know it's true, there aren't enough men in this world like Kory, he's truly one of a kind! I really do love him with all my heart and I hope your daughters are lucky enough to meet someone like him!
