Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Support other people's goals...

So I have decided to set goals to help me get in shape and stay that way. I've calculated the amount of calories I can consume per day, I plan on going to the gym at least 3 times a week and one of those times I have to do cardio...even though I hate cardio with a passion. Anyway, I've set these goals because I'm tired of being not fat, but not skinny...I wanna be FIT and in shape! And I want it to look like I actually put effort into what my body looks like.

Now...I'm not one of those ditsy girls that's walking around telling everyone "Oh my god, I'm so fat! I need to loose like 30 lbs." I'm not like that AT ALL. In fact, I don't even think I'm fat to begin with. I have a little bit larger build, some people may say I'm skinny, other people may say I'm a little bigger. I want to loose a tiny bit of weight and tone up my entire body...

Here's my problem...if I tell people that...they look at me and say "Ugh why? You don't need to! You're skinny, blah, blah" and while I appreciate them saying that I don't need any work...it would be nice to have people just say "That's awesome that you can discipline yourself enough to do it, keep it up!" things like that. We all need more support! Don't you think!?!?! I DO!

For example: I have a friend and he is tall and very thin, he works out so he's got muscle to him...but he is a rail...his waist is probably about as big around as my thigh...anyway, he loves to jog every morning...and people will ask him why he does it, because he's so skinny. But he just wants to have a healthy heart and so in order to do that, he jogs every morning. And there's nothing wrong with that.

This is me just venting...but I just think we all need to support each other more, rather than criticize and make smug faces when people say they want to loose weight or tone up or whatever. That's all I'm saying :)



  1. Amen sista!I totally know what you mean. I'd love to lose a few pounds and get really toned up! I've done pretty good with eating right and being self disciplined lately. Do you go to Golds?? We should hit the gym together! :)

  2. I do go to Gold's! I love it...sorry it took me so long to post, I haven't been on here for a while :) Kory's been my personal trainer lately lol...he's more of a gym-goer than I am, but I've been getting better. I made goals and wrote them down...it's just hard to stick to them ya know? And watching what I eat is a pain! I hate it lol!

  3. You can do it honey. I'll be there with you.
